Blessing the Youth of Chicago

The Lord has been truly blessing our CCRCC outreach to youth in recent times and expanding our boundaries! So much so, that we now have different tiers of activities and leadership, and to avoid any confusion, the current Youth Service Team has defined them as follows: The Youth Service Team: The group of adults under the authority of the CCRCC Service Team, who focus on and organize ministry to youth, primarily in the 12-18 age group. Serving right now are CeCe White, Lee Wirth, Sal Solo, Rhona Lenhof, and Al Canaveral. All youth activities of CCRCC come through this team. Young Leaders of Chicago: This is a monthly youth rally in Vicariate IV, normally held on a Sunday afternoon at St. Bernardine’s in Forest Park. Rallies consist of praise and worship, games, and top quality speakers. Plus very important, free food! It is open to any teenagers, and to youth groups, whether or not they are involved in the Renewal. Many different parishes bring their teens and it typically attracts crowds—between 100 and 300 people. The Youth Council: Founded in the summer of 2008, out of Young Leaders of Chicago, this is currently a group of 12 teens who are committed to facilitating and planning the Young Leaders youth rallies and other events. It is open to teens who feel called to leadership, or represent their parish youth groups. Currently serving are Josue Gonzalez, Laura Canaveral, Mimi Hernandez, Angela Galick, Edgar Gonzalez, Lauren Rojas-Castillo, Martin Howard-Paez, Michael Bielawski, Carisa Gonzalez, Frank Tonika, Erandy Gonzalez, Brittni Senese. On Fire Youth Ministries: A group of committed adults who support the work of the Youth Service Team, particularly in organizing the annual fundraiser. Some of the On Fire volunteers previously served on the Youth Service Team, and their commitment grew out of Shepherds on Fire Retreats with Jim Murphy. We are extremely grateful to all of those who are supporting our work both financially, and in prayer. Our 2008 fundraiser was still more successful than the previous year, and ensures that we may continue to expand our outreach in the future. During 2009, in addition to the activities listed above, there will be a New Life Retreat on July 12 for our Youth Council and their siblings and friends, together with a simultaneous retreat for parents and youth leaders. On October 3, there will be a youth conference at the Sheraton Chicago Northwest Hotel in Arlington Heights, Illinois, as part of the CCRCC Conference. There will be afternoon activities at the hotel’s CoCo Key Resort Water Resort. For more information, please contact the CCRCC office at 708-209-1199. We are in great need of adult volunteers to assist us behind the scenes with the monthly Young Leaders of Chicago events, and so if you have an interest in working with teens, please contact the CCRCC Office. Updates of all activities to be found at: Contact us: 708-209-1199 (Day) 708-484-9191 (Eve) MYSPACE: FACEBOOK: UPCOMING DATES: