Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center for Chicago
The Vine newsletter is published four times a year. It highlights CCRCC events and provides information about upcoming charismatic events such as: Life in the Spirit Seminars, Healing Masses, Days of Renewal, Retreats, and Conferences throughout the Chicagoland area, as well as national and international events.
The Vine also features inspirational teachings, witness stories, prayer group and youth happenings It is a powerful evangelizing tool and an important vehicle to nourish our faith and keep us connected. We hope that you will contribute to the production of the Vine by sending in your witness stories, prayer group highlights, and information about upcoming charismatic events.
If you would like to receive the Vine newsletter please contact the CCRCC office at 708-209-1199.
In order to produce, print, and mail the Vine, we count on your prayers and financial support. If you would like to make a financial donation or contribute material for publication in the Vine, please download the Contribution Form.
CCRCC Library Resources:
In keeping with our mission to keep the grace of Pentecost alive and active in our prayer groups, our parishes, and our personal lives, CCRCC maintains a library of tapes, videos, books and various pamphlets on charismatic spirituality. Many of these can be purchased for a nominal fee, and others are available through our lending library. Please download the Library Order Form for a complete listing of available items.
Conference CDs
Conference and event CDs are available through the CCRCC office at 708-209-1199.