Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center for Chicago
Overview of CCRCC
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center for Chicago is committed to serving the Church of the
Archdiocese of Chicago through Prayer, Evangelization, Ongoing Training, and Leadership Formation.
CCRCC is a Chicago Catholic Archdiocesan Agency under the auspices of the Department of
Evangelization, Catechesis, and Worship. Cardinal Francis George has appointed Reverend John Harvey
to be his liaison for the Charismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Father Harvey is fully
committed to the teaching magisterium of the Catholic Church.
We seek to share our conviction that what early Church Doctors called “baptism in the Holy Spirit” is key
to living our Christian life to the fullest. (The word, baptize means to immerse, to consecrate or dedicate.)
We believe this gift of “baptism in the Holy Spirit” belongs to the Christian inheritance of all those
sacramentally initiated into the Church. (John 3:34)
This gift becomes ours when we experience a “personal” conversion to Christ, opening ourselves to Jesus, and accepting His promise of a full life in the Holy Spirit. When we earnestly pray “Come Holy Spirit,” we come to the beginning of a New Life.
The Center is first about the people…
Whom CCRCC serves:
Catholics of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, across the entire Chicagoland area, including neighboring dioceses; and prayer groups of all ages.
And those who serve:
The Cardinal’s Liaison, Fr. John Harvey; the CCRCC Service Team and CCRCC Ministries—Youth Service Team with On Fire Youth Ministries, Hospitality, Word Gift Ministry, Healing and Deliverance Ministries, Intercession, Evangelization and Formation, Vine Newsletter, Office Staff, Book Ministry, and Prayer Group Leaders and their Ministries.
The heart of the Center is prayer. Prayer gives birth to the plans and programs of CCRCC. Prayer and
Praise is a primary focus of Chicago Renewal gatherings and of the many diocesan prayer groups
meeting weekly. Prayer ministry teams reach out to parishes near and far. Prayer requests are phoned
in daily and calls-for prayer go out to intercessors by phone and e-mail. Prayer is vital to the every day
operation of the Center.
The Center sponsors a range of programs throughout the year, such as:
- Praise Breakfasts
- Chicago Catholic Charismatic Family Conferences
- Days of Renewal
- New Life in the Spirit Seminars
- Gatherings for Praise, Worship, and Intercession
- Celebrations of the Feast of Christ the King and Pentecost
- Monthly Y-LOC (Young Leaders of Chicago) Youth Gatherings
The Center is both the central place of prayer to our triune God and of service to his people. From this
office all ministries and operations of the CCRCC are coordinated.
The CCRCC office is located at 816 South Marengo, Forest Park, IL 60130